The official language of the company is English. For a more complete description of the Company’s activity, please visit the English version of the site. information translated into languages other than English is for information purposes only and has no legal force, the Company is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in other languages.

Nexus Crest respects each individual’s right to privacy. We value our relationship with you, and we take pride in maintaining loyalty and respect with each individual client by providing you with security. The provisions of this notice apply to former clients as well as our current clients. We kindly ask that you read the following information.

  1. General provisions
    1. The present Privacy Policy is an integral part of the public documents package, pursuant to which the Nexus Crest officially represented by its Affiliated Partners (hereinafter referred to as the Company), provides various services (including services of financial and informational nature, etc.) to its Clients.
    2. When the Client selects the services provided by the Company, it is understood that the Client fully agrees to all the terms and conditions outlined in the public documents. This agreement also applies to all interactions between the Client and the Company, which include trading and investment operations, the use of various informational materials, and the arrangement of payments and transfers, among other activities. If the Client disagrees with any of the conditions set out in the public documents, it is recommended that the Client discontinues all interaction with the Company. In the event that the Client finds the conditions of the present Privacy Policy unacceptable for any reason, the Client shall cease all interaction with the Company and terminate all financial operations that were carried out with Company mediation.
    3. The Privacy Policy in effect highlights one of the most crucial principles that the Company adheres to when providing services to Clients. The Company acknowledges the right to privacy for all individuals and legal entities, whether or not they are current or potential Clients of the Company. The conditions specified in the present Privacy Policy apply equally to former, current, and future Clients of the Company. Maintaining a strong and positive relationship with its Clients is of the utmost importance to the Company. The Company values the loyalty and respect of each Client and is committed to providing them with complete security and confidentiality.
    4. In the present Privacy Policy the following basic terms and definitions are used:
      1. An individual or a legal entity has the legal right to privacy, which prohibits the disclosure of private or personal information or information that is commercially classified. When it comes to the relationship between the Company and the Client, privacy denotes the Company’s pledge to safeguard and uphold the confidentiality of any information obtained from the Client while providing services to them.
      2. The personal or private information of the Client encompasses information that characterizes, identifies, verifies, or reveals certain aspects of their personality, financial situation, and preferences. A comprehensive definition of this term can be found in the Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy comprises a set of measures, procedures, and actions that enable the collection of complete, accurate, and authentic information about the Client, and ensure the protection and exchange of this information with governmental or regulatory bodies in compliance with the applicable laws and the terms of the Privacy Policy.
  2. Personal information
    1. When the Client applies for or maintains a live or demo account with the Company, the Company collects personal information about the Client for business purposes, such as evaluating the Client’s financial needs, processing the Client’s requests and deals, informing the Client about products and services that may be of interest to him/her, and providing effective and quality service to the Client. Such information can be of the following types:
      1. Registration information — information provided by the Client on application forms and other documents (including electronic documents). This includes: first name, last name, patronymic name, contact information (postal address, telephone number, e-mail, etc.), date of birth, occupation, assets and incomes.
      2. Transaction Information — information about deals between the Client and the Company, or between the Client and the Affiliated Partners of the Company, as well as information about communications (unilateral or bilateral) between the Client and the Company. Examples include Client account balances, trading (investing) activity, Client inquiries and the Company responses, including texts of the mails or log-files in used messaging systems. In the present Privacy Policy, the term “Affiliated Partners of the Company” refers to the organizations owned or run by the Company, as well as organizations that own part of Company property.
      3. Verification Information — information necessary to verify Client identity such as a passport or driver’s license (or articles of association in case the Client is a legal unit). Examples also include information received by the Company from public records, such as loan offices, information agencies and address bureaus or from other entities not affiliated with the Company. The Anti-Money Laundering Policy requires the Company to collect information and take the necessary action to prevent transformation and legalization (laundering) of money gained from illegal activity. In certain cases the Company has the right to require a document disclosing the sources of money.
      4. Information about subscriptions — information such as signals, alerts, news category and price subscriptions.
    2. The Company does not collect nor store credit /debit card details of any customer in its database.
    3. The above is not inclusive. The Company reserves the right to require other information from the Client in the case that it is necessary for complying to the regulations of existing legislation.
  3. About “Cookies”
    1. Cookies are small files containing information that a Web server (site) uses to track its visitors. The Company may set and access cookies on Client computers, to assess which advertisements and promotions draw users to the Company Website. The Company (or any of its divisions) may use cookies to evaluate Client interest in Company products and services, and to track Client activities on its Web server (site). The information collected by the Company and shared with its Affiliated Partners is anonymous and not personally identifiable.
  4. Security technologies
    1. The Company uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology in order to protect certain information submitted by its Clients. This technology protects the Client from having his/her information intercepted by anyone other than the Company while it is being transmitted. The Company works hard to ensure that its Web servers (sites) are secure and that they meet industry standards. The Company also uses other safeguards such as firewalls, authentication systems (e.g., passwords and personal identification numbers) and access control mechanisms to control unauthorized access to systems and data.
    2. The Company reserves the right to choose technologies and methods of data protection at its own discretion, and to cooperate in this field with contractors which appear to be reliable to the Company.
    3. In accordance with the recommendations of Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, customer card details are protected using Transport Layer encryption — TLS 1.2 and application layer with algorithm AES and key length 256 bit.
  5. Sharing information with the company’s affiliated partners
    1. The Company may share Client personal information described above with its affiliates for business purposes, such as servicing the Client’s accounts and informing him/her about new products and services, as permitted by applicable law.
    2. The affiliate partners can access Client private information upon to the Company request and mandatory approval by the individual Client. Every access to personal information of Clients by the affiliate partner is recorded in a log, which is available for viewing by the Client. This log contains: time, the name of a partner and the type of information sought.
  6. Sharing information with third parties
    1. The Company is committed to keeping the Client’s personal information confidential and does not share it with third parties, except as stated in this Privacy Policy. Third-party disclosures may involve sharing such information with Non-Affiliated Partners of the Company who provide technical support services for Client accounts or assist with Client transactions with the Company. These may include professionals, legal or accounting advisers to the Company. Non-affiliated Partners who help the Company in providing services to Clients are bound by confidentiality requirements and must maintain the privacy of the information received. They may use this personal information only for the purposes directed by the Company and solely in the course of providing such services.
    2. The Company may also disclose the Client’s personal information to third parties to fulfill Client instructions or pursuant to the Client’s express consent. Company also informs its Clients that it shall never sell, place at interim disposal on a remuneration basis, distribute or disseminate the Client’s Personal information under any circumstances.
  7. Regulatory Disclosure
    1. Under limited circumstances, the Company may disclose the Client’s personal information to third parties as permitted by, or to comply with, applicable laws and regulations. The Company may disclose personal information to cooperate with regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies in complying with subpoenas or other official requests, and as necessary to protect Company rights or property.
    2. Except as described in the present Privacy Policy, the Company will not use the Client’s personal information for any other purpose unless the Company describes how such information will be used at the time the Client discloses it, or if the Company obtains the Client’s express permission.
    3. The Company has the right to use the Client’s Personal information in cases other than described in the present Privacy Policy if clearly stated at the time the information is disclosed by the Client or when the Company receives the Client’s express permission.
  8. Opt out
    1. The Client may refuse to supply any of the Personal information that the Company may request. However, failure to do so may result in the Company being unable to open or maintain an account or to provide other services to the Client.
    2. If the Client does not wish to have his/her Personal information disclosed to third parties as described in the present Privacy Policy, s/he should contact the Company via specific contact form.
  9. Amendments
    1. The Company reserves the right to make amendments to the present Privacy Policy. In particular, this may take place in cases that are not described directly or indirectly in the current edition of the Privacy Policy, or if a rule or law passes that requires such an amendment or addition.
    2. Amendatory procedure:
      1. Should amendments and/or additions be made, the Company shall inform the Clients of this fact by posting relevant notice on the Company’s official Web site and sending a relevant message via the internal mail system.
      2. Posting the relevant notice on the Company Website and sending messages via internal mail are considered to be adequate Client Privacy Policy of the amendments, whether the Client reads and understands a corresponding text or ignores it.
      3. The amended document becomes effective after 5 (five) full astronomical days (120 hours) following publication of the notice on the Company Web site, before this time the notice has only an informative nature.
      4. The amended document immediately applies to any accounts registered after its publication (irrespective of other accounts registered earlier, which its holder may possess). The amended document applies to trading accounts that were registered previous to the date the document in question went into effect.
      5. In the case that a rule of law is introduced, which requires a corresponding amendment and/or addition to the present Privacy Policy, then the rule of law shall be applied immediately after the effective date of the relevant statutory act, whether the required amendment is made or not. Regulations of the present Privacy Policy that contradict the newly introduced rule or law become void once the corresponding amendments to the aforementioned document go into effect.
  10. Acceptance of notice conditions by the client
    1. Being the Client of the Company, and actively using its services (including brokerage services and information services), software and/or hardware allowing to carry out professional activities in the financial markets, I accept the Privacy Policy described in this Notice.
    2. I agree with all the provisions (clauses, sections) of all documents publicly declared by the Company during the period of use of any services of the Company, and in case of disagreement, I will immediately cease to use the Company’s services.